Size : 9 Facilities
Type : Education
Hard Bid Delivery Method
Value Engineering Services Provided
The Sunflower County School District received a bond issue and Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds to enhance 9 schools across the county. Gentry & Thomas Edwards High School received significant additions, while other facilities local to Sunflower County received renovations and repairs.
Gentry High School’s addition and renovation was valued at $23M and involved 73,000 SqFt of upgrades. This scope included a new grand entrance, classroom wing, two courtyards, cafeteria space and offices. The design created an interior loop corridor tying all wings of the campus together. Thomas Edwards High School, the second large addition involved in the bond issue, was valued at $16M and involved 61,000 SqFt. Thomas Edwards High School’s portion of the project included a new grand entrance, science lab, cafeteria addition, and offices. For both Gentry and Thomas Edwards Highs School, existing classrooms were updated with new finishes and the ESSER funds of the project replaced all HVAC systems and updated restrooms at both high schools.

This single contract involved Thrash’s execution of project coordination amongst 9 different project locations simultaneously. This project received substantial completion on July15, 2024, finishing ahead of the original 22-month multi-phase construction schedule. We want to thank our trade partners for their craftsmanship and professionalism.