Pearl Upper

Elementary School

Size :  86,000 SF
Type :  Education

Hard Bid Delivery Method

Value Engineering Services Provided

Pearl Upper Elementary School was a Government Hard Bid project. Thrash Commercial Contractors, Inc. was asked to provide value engineering services after the low bid offer was selected. Thrash's management team offered approximately $1,000,000 in potential savings. The school board accepted $600,000 in savings through the presented options. Thrash self performed all of the surveying layout of the drilled pilings, foundation walls, and elevated grade beams. Despite contractual delays in getting started, Thrash began on September 4th of 2016 and opened the building in time for school on August 8th 2017.


Thrash self performed much of the work and pushed an aggressive 7 day per week schedule. Thrash self-performed approximately 15% of the project.