Size : 23,560 SF
Type : Higher Education
Hard Bid Delivery Method
General Contracting Services
The 2-story, 23,560-square foot Phase II addition houses the offices, laboratories, classrooms and student areas of the Departments of Computer Science and Technology. It incorporates high performance insulated roof and wall assemblies, a reflective roof surface that limits the urban heat island effect, spectrally sensitive glazing to maximize daylight into the classrooms to minimize glare, and light shelves to direct daylight into the building. HVAC systems are also highly energy efficient, designed to meet or exceed ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010. Additionally, classroom and office light sensors automatically turn off when there is sufficient daylight in the room or when the spaces are occupant free.
The exterior building materials continue the existing building’s material and color palette – brick, ground-face concrete block and aluminum panels. Again, as in the original facility, the interior finish products were selected based on recycled content, low VOCs, and renewable materials to provide a healthy work and study environment.